Gesture controlled speaker

This project is implemented for the Srivastava Senior Design Lab at the University of Illinois.

An illustration of the speaker and wristband

With a flip of the wrist, you can control your speaker to play your favorite music and emit colorful ambiences. This is the product my team and I designed for the senior design lab. As the user presses the button on the wristband, he or she can wave in a direction to send a command. Each wrist movement sends a different command. For example, waving horizontally allows you to skip to the next song, waving vertically changes the lighting to the next rainbow color, and stretching in and out can pause or resume the music playing.

Actual speaker(right)
and wristband(left)

Movements and corresponding commands

The default screen reads, "Press the button and move arm to send command." At a press of the button, the screen will show "button pressed," and the user has three seconds to send a command. When a valid command is detected, the screen will display that command and perform the task. If the command is invalid, nothing happens. The LCD screen then goes back to the default.


I implemented this project in a group of three. The initial idea of making this device came out of a daily nuisance: we often try to touch our phone with wet hands during shower and that could be dangerous. Our device, however, goes beyond the shower scene in applications. The concept can be applied to all home appliances.  

I was involved in every step of the product development, including ideation, designing schematic, outlining PCB, assembling and debugging parts, and making packaging.

This project requires the knowledge and use of C, KiCad, Micro-controller, Inertia Measurement Unit, HC05 Bluetooth Module, WS2812b light strip, Pitch frequency, Arduino, and Figma.

Expand to view the logic flowchart of the speaker

This paragraph is intended to give credit to my two teammates: Jie Wen and Zeping Lu